Zigzag stitching the bag together was a LOT easier than covering the clothesline. It was like putting a coat on a worm. I really think if I attempt another one, it will be a thicker clothesline. This one had a tendency to roll a bit and it took a lot longer than I thought it would. I consider myself a good sewer and this challenged me.
I need more clothesline and more fabric. I assembled this from photos online, and didn't have exact measurements. It needs to be taller. I have plenty of fabric though, so after another trip to the hardware store for line, I will be able to add enough strips to make it the size I want. I figure it will be a good tote for the grocery, or when I have my camera and other things that I want to take along.
PHOTOS ©pegyates/2011
PHOTOS ©pegyates/2011